EuCanImage is now on LinkedIn!

🔥 Exciting news!

EuCanImage joined LinkedIn community to reach wider audience and spread news and updates on our project. The dedicated LinkedIn profile will allow us to connect with new target groups, as well as link with other EU funded projects from the area of oncology and AI. Moreover, EuCanImage already connected with multiple organisations and societies focused on cancer and AI development in medicine to share information about the project’s progress and provide inspiration for further research.

Follow us on LinkedIn!

With the LinkedIn profile, EuCanImage will provide updates about the recent developments in the project, as well as reflect on already accomplished milestones and achievements. Moreover, the followers will be able to learn more about the project’s consortium members and researchers working towards EuCanImage’s success. As EuCanImage is proud to work with top talents in various fields, the LinkedIn profile will celebrate successes of individual people and teams involved in the project.

EuCanImage as well as its researchers are actively participating in a variety of events, conferences, and congresses. To find out when and where you can meet EuCanImage’s experts in person to exchange on recent developments and our research, the LinkedIn profile will provide you with up-to-date information and updates. This is also the place where you will be able to find information about upcoming events featuring EuCanImage as well as workshops organised by the project’s consortium.

The LinkedIn profile provides a great opportunity for the community to connect with our project and exchange online via the comments section or direct messages. If you are curious or would like to learn more, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or drop a message.

To not miss out any of this important information, don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn! Spread the word among your network to share information about this important project.

There is more and more exciting news to come. Make sure to not miss any of the important information by following our profile! Let’s stay connected and spread the word about this important project and its achievements among the LinkedIn community.

If LinkedIn profile is not enough for you, check out EuCanImage’s profile on X.