October 1, 2020 marked the official start date of our EuCanImage project. The project was selected for funding by the European Commission and will run for four years until September 30, 2024.
EuCanImage is coordinated by Dr. Karim Lekadir from University of Barcelona. The goal of EuCanImage is to build a highly secure, federated and large-scale European cancer imaging platform, with capabilities that will greatly enhance the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in oncology. The EuCanImage platform will be populated with a completely new data resource totaling over 25,000 single subjects, which will allow to investigate unmet clinical needs such as the detection of small liver lesions and metastases of colorectal cancer like never before. The cancer imaging platform will be cross-linked to biological and health repositories through the European Genome-phenome Archive, allowing to develop multi-scale AI solutions that integrate organ-level, molecular and other clinical predictors into dense patient specific cancer fingerprints.
The project brings together public and private organisations to perform collaborative research and development. The interdisciplinary consortium is made up of 20 partners from 11 countries.