

Maastricht University is a top-ranked international university, renowned for the quality of the research undertaken in many areas and hosts 16.800 students in international BA, MA and graduate programs, and 3.500 (FTE) employees. Researchers at UM work in multidisciplinary teams and in close cooperation with international institutes, business and industry.

UM and the University hospital Maastricht (azM) work together under the umbrella organisation Maastricht University Medical Center+ (Maastricht UMC+) and has three mutually reinforcing core tasks: patient care, research, and education and training: train new generations of doctors and researchers. The recently founded Department of Precision Medicine is an international group of highly motivated researchers with unique skills.

It excels at applying machine learning methods, such as deep learning, on vast amounts of medical data in order to improve the lives of patients, with a focus on decision support systems and personalizing treatment and also contains a basic science and translational research laboratory.

Role in the project

UM bring its experience in the Radiomics Quality Score (RQS) and in-silico clinical trials, as well as in clinical oncology and radiology, to build the EuCanImage novel AI assessment platform (WP6), including metrics, criteria and procedures for clinical assessment. UM implements solutions for imaging standardisation and interpretability (WP4 and 5), based on experience as founding member of IBSI (Image Biomarker Standardisation Initiative).


Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam is an innovative centre for high-quality medical research, education and care. The overall research aim of EMC is to translate bench discoveries to bedside applications. EMC excels in a wide variety of research fields, including fundamental and clinical domains as well as public health and prevention. The Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine is one of the largest, most advanced medical imaging departments in Europe, not only in staff (n=420) and scientific output, but also in equipment. The Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam (BIGR) is a joint initiative of the Departments of Medical Informatics and Radiology & Nuclear Medicine. Through innovative fundamental and applied research, BIGR develops and validates advanced techniques for the processing and analysis of large, complex, and heterogeneous biomedical image data sets.

Role in the project

EMC brings in expertise in the field of large-scale image data storage, access and processing. EMC is involved in the inventory of available relevant information and knowledge models and standards to describe imaging data relevant for the catalogue (WP3), standards/specifications (pseudo)-anonymization requirements for integration of imaging data in cohort databases (WP4), activities regarding imaging data storage and access and interoperability with other data, specifically linking imaging databases such as XNAT, and image derived data, to other types of data (WP3), training activities related to imaging (meta) data and liaison with Euro-BioImaging and BBMRI (WP7).