Work Packages

WP1: Legal and ethical framework for oncologic imaging

This WP will

  • Define the overall legal and ethical scope, issues and requirements of the EuCanImage platform to ensure a privacy-by-design approach to its development.
  • Establish a legal governancefor transnational and transcontinental health data transactions to guarantee the compliance of platforms operations across jurisdictions.
  • Establish internal and external policies to govern interactions between data owners, users and data processors in the platform.
  • Establish a novel ethical framework for developing and utilising AI-supported image-based decision support tools in clinical oncology.
  • Evaluate and deploy new cost-effective incentives for data owners to share cancer imaging data in exchange for value in the area of cancer care, while addressing societal, legal and economic concerns.

WP2: Clinical use cases, requirements and feedback

This WP will

  • Gather clinical requirements from the clinical partners, in collaboration with the data management and AI experts, on data management, AI development and AI assessment.
  • Use, evaluate and optimise the data deposition, curation and enhancement capabilities of the platform.
  • Design and implement AI solutions for the clinical use cases, and continuously refine them based on clinical feedback.
  • Assess the AI solutions from both technical and clinical perspectives.
  • Gather feedback from user experience, then provide recommendations and guidelines

WP3: Data platform and catalogue for cancer imaging and non-imaging data

This WP will

  • Define the overall legal and ethical scope, issues and requirements of the EuCanImage platform to ensure a privacy-by-design approach to its development.
  • Establish a legal framework for transnational and transcontinental health data transactions to guarantee the compliance of platforms operations across jurisdictions.
  • Establish internal and external policies to govern interactions between data owners, users and data processors in the platform.
  • Establish a novel ethical framework for developing and utilising AI-supported image-based decision support tools in clinical oncology.
  • Evaluate and deploy new cost-effective incentives for data owners to share cancer imaging data in exchange for value in the area of cancer care, while addressing societal, legal and economic concerns.

WP4: Suite for cancer imaging data curation, annotation and enhancement

This WP will

  • Create a comprehensive suite of open source tools and procedures for data anonymization that meet the legal requirements of all EU partners.
  • Integrate an existing cloud-based tool for collaborative and user-friendly annotation of cancer imaging data.
  • Expand POSDA tools and curation procedures to curate labelled data and non-imaging data.
  • Further enhance the wealth of the available data through synthetic image generation.
  • Implement tools for standardising image data cross sites and scanners.
  • Leverage the large-scale data and machine learning to provide semi-automated capabilities for data curation and annotation.

WP5: Artificial intelligence development platform and interfaces

This WP will

  • Provide the baseline compute environment to build flexible AI solutions for cancer imaging.
  • Build a comprehensive and scalable cancer radiomics library.
  • Implement a comprehensive machine learning toolbox for building integrative AI solutions.
  • Ensure the machine learning techniques can be executed in a distributed privacy-preserving manner.
  • Develop and validate tools for allowing the interpretability of AI-based decision.
  • Establish and document in detail the FUTURE Guiding Principles for AI in cancer imaging.

WP6: Open-access platform for assessing and benchmarking AI solutions in cancer imaging

This WP will

  • Achieve multi-stakeholder consensus with experts on metrics and criteria to assess and benchmark AI solutions.
  • Develop methods to estimate bias and uncertainty, as well as procedures to handle errors in AI for cancer imaging based on ensemble and online learning.
  • Develop new methods to assess the degree of interpretability of AI models.
  • Propose guidelines to assess clinical effectiveness and usability of AI solutions in clinical oncology.
  • Develop an open-access and disease-specific tool to evaluate cost-effectiveness of the AI products.
  • Integrate the assessment methods and procedures for community auditing and benchmarking within ELIXIR’s OpenEBench platform.

WP7: Project dissemination, communication & exploitation

This WP will

  • Develop EuCanImage’s corporate identity, as well as dissemination material.
  • Develop and iteratively update a plan for dissemination and communication.
  • Disseminate the project and its results to clinical, research and industrial stakeholders, as well as to the wider public.
  • Establish the network of image-based cancer researchers, clinicians and innovators.
  • Establish a plan for the exploitation and sustainability of the EuCanImage platform.

WP8: Scientific coordination and project management

This WP will

  • Monitor the successful implementation of research activities (WPs 1-7) within the agreed time, cost and quality limits, including management of risks and corrective actions.
  • Facilitate full synergy and interaction among EuCanImage partners by managing the internal channels, managerial committees, regular online and face-to-face meetings and project events.
  • Coordinate and manage all administrative, financial and contractual aspects related to the project.
  • Identify any upcoming risk as early as possible and work on mitigation plans and solutions.
  • Create synergies with other initiatives in the field and/or part of this call and in the field of cancer/imaging across Europe and the world.

WP9: Ethics requirements

This work package sets out the ethics requirements definded by the European Commision that the project must comply with.